Tower of Terror Wikia
Tower of Terror Wikia


The New York City Preservation Society is an institute in New York City which preserves historic sites while conducting programs to enlighten the public on their histories.


Image Character Description Appearances
Beatrice Rose Endicott
Beatrice Rose Endicott S.S. Columbia



The New York City Preservation Society was founded in 1912 to preserve different landmarks in New York City and enlighten the people of New York on their city's history.[1] Among their resources were tours and a newsletter known as The New Century Chronogram.[2] The group also ran early 20th century trash and recycling programs to keep the city clean.[3]

The president of the society was one Beatrice Rose Endicott, daughter of industrial tycoon Cornelius Endicott II. On the July 12 of 1912, Beatrice was manipulated by one Archibald Smelding into using the NYCPS to deem the Hotel Hightower as a New York landmark and conduct tours within it. Smelding was once servant to the hotel's founder Harrison Hightower III who was killed in the hotel in 1899 by the vengeful god Shiriki Utundu and was left within as a ghost within. Smelding believed that he could have the NYCPS bring unknowing sacrifices for Shiriki Utundu into the hotel to free his late-master's soul.

Appearances and allusions[]

Jungle Cruise[]

Over the Global Broadcasting Service, Skipper Missy mentions the offerings of tours of the Hotel Hightower.

Tower of Terror[]

The cast-members assume the roles of employees of the NYCPS.


